Charities & Trusts

Tailor-made investment solutions for charities and trusts.
Helping you look forward with confidence.

We appreciate that every charity is unique. Many of the charities we work with have long, meaningful histories and we feel a duty to make sure you can continue to support those who depend on you.

To help your charity secure a sustainable future, we can provide tailor-made investment solutions that are directly aligned with your goals and objectives. We go above and beyond to reflect any ethical preferences or concerns you may have too. This is as important to us as it is to our clients and the generations that follow.

There are two distinct elements to our services: investment management to meet your charity’s individual requirements, and ongoing support for your trustees and management team.

Your goals, vision,and objectives

We build our service around your priorities. By identifying and implementing the right investment approach to meet your objectives we ensure that your portfolio is working in the best way possible to help achieve your charitable objectives.

Custom-built investment portfolios

We design bespoke investment solutions to help you meet your strategic goals ethically and effectively. We recognise that everyone has their own ethical values, and our approach enables us to reflect these values in your investment portfolio.

A dedicated team

We know that, as a trustee looking after the investment of a charity or trust, you face a challenging responsibility. Our advisers take the time to understand you, the long-term strategy and how you want us to work with your trustees and management team.

Ongoing support for your trustees.

We work closely with trustees to ensure that we fully understand the risk mandate and investment objectives of their respective charity or trust. This extends to fully understanding the investment principles, challenges and aspirations to ensure our services are fully tailored to their ongoing needs.

We are much more than an investment provider. We want to do everything we can to support the work that you do. Helping your trustees and management team to fulfil their obligations and maintain an awareness of best practice is an important part of our relationship with you.

Supporting you and those who depend on you.

We’ll work closely with you, to help keep your finances on track. You and your trustee board will form a close partnership with your adviser. We’ll look at your circumstances and strategic direction, then we’ll tailor investment choices to match your short, medium, and long-term goals.

Whatever you want to achieve, we’ll tailor your solution to help you get there.

*Remember, the value of investments and any income they generate can go down as well as up, meaning you may not get back what you invest. Investing should be seen as a medium-to-long-term commitment so you should aim to invest for at least 5 years.
